3 Tips For Presenting A Report To A Group At Work


If you have a big report or presentation that you’re supposed to be sharing with people at work, you might be feeling a lot of stress and anxiety about how this whole process will go for you. But luckily, with the right planning and preparation before your big presentation, you can find yourself feeling more confident in the information you’ll be sharing and in your ability to share it effectively.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for presenting a report to a group at work. 

Don’t Just Read The Slides

Although you might be nervous at the thought of getting up in front of your coworkers and bosses to report on your position in the company, it’s vital that you try not to show it. Otherwise, your presentation could go over horribly.

To keep this from happening to you, you should be very careful with how you set up your presentation, especially when it comes to your slides. If you have a deck that you’ll be working from, make sure you don’t just spend your time reading the slides. Rather, try to keep the slides brief and come up with some notes that you can add to each slide. This way, you can have something to say other than what your audience can already read on their own. 

Find Ways To Make Information Digestible

One reason why you might be asked to give a presentation at work is to share the information that you have with others. But depending on the information that you’re sharing, you might need to manipulate it so that it’s digestible for your audience. 

For example, if you’re sharing a financial report that you’ve put together, you might want to break down the numbers and convey the information in both visual and verbal forms so that everyone in your audience has a chance to understand what you’re saying and how you’re drawing your conclusions. You could also put things into numbered lists or group like concepts together to make them easier to grasp. 

Leave Time At The End For Questions

Once you’ve completed your presentation, you should leave time in the end for anyone to ask you questions. 

During this time, don’t simply ask if people have any questions. Rather, ask what questions they have or share that you’ll take a question or two from each person in the audience. This way, you don’t put people on the spot or discourage them from asking questions that have come to mind while you’ve been presenting. 

If you’re going to be presenting information to people at work, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you feel prepared and confident for your time spent in front of the group. 

Image by DCStudio on Freepik


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