Forest County Society Celebrates Christmas in a Grand Way


PUNE: FOREST COUNTY Society located at Kharadi celebrated Christmas in a grand way. The children of the society and all the residents actively participated in the festivities.

The program started with Street Carnival where more than 25 children comprising tiny tots to youngsters participated. This was followed by a dance performance by ladies of the Society.

The Carol singing by different groups of children led by Sarah and her husband Mr. Vaidhyanathan and orchestrated by ONE CHURCH, PUNE/KHARADI was the highlight of the evening.

The finale of the evening was the entry of Santa enacted by a prominent resident of the society Ashutosh and the festivities ended with live Music organized by Mr. Bablu Maitrey, a resident of the society.

The program was anchored by Mr. Manish Joshi and the organizing members consisted of Priya Sharma, Manish Joshi, Avinash Dalal, Era Moitra, Shweta Agrawal, Monica, Ritika, and Jeroo.


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