SEBI along with NSE and BSE inaugurate Common Investor Service Centre in Pune


PUNE: SEBI, NSE, and BSE have been actively involved in various initiatives and measures to enhance investor services and protection in India’s securities market. To further this goal, they have established a Common Investor Service Centre (ISC) in Pune. The ISC, managed by NSE, was inaugurated on September 27, 2023, by Shri G. P. Garg, Executive Director, SEBI, Shri Sahil Malik, Chief General Manager, SEBI, and Ms. Deepti Agrawal, General Manager, SEBI, in the presence of other officers from Exchanges and Depositories.

The Common ISC serves as a platform where investors can lodge complaints against listed corporate entities and market participants operating in the securities market. This facility is essential for investors who may have concerns or grievances related to their dealings in the market. Investors may make use of the services of the Common Investor Service Centre located at the following address as a single window contact for investor services for SEBI, NSE, and BSE:

Investor Service Centre Regus Business Centre, Office no.418 & 419, Level IV, Prabhavee Tech Park, Baner Road, Baner, Pune-411045 Contact: Mr. Amit Pathak (020-67235938)

The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) is the world’s largest derivatives exchange by trading volume (contracts) as per the statistics maintained by the Futures Industry Association (FIA) for the calendar year 2022. NSE is ranked 3rd in the world in cash equities by the number of trades as per the statistics maintained by the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) for the calendar year 2022. NSE was the first exchange in India to implement electronic or screen-based trading. It began operations in 1994 and is ranked as the largest stock exchange in India in terms of total and average daily turnover for equity shares every year since 1995, based on SEBI data.

NSE has a fully integrated business model comprising exchange listings, trading services, clearing and settlement services, indices, market data feeds, technology solutions, and financial education offerings. NSE also oversees compliance by trading, clearing members, and listed companies with the rules and regulations of SEBI and the exchange. NSE is a pioneer in technology and ensures the reliability and performance of its systems through a culture of innovation and investment in technology.

The establishment of the Common Investor Service Centre in Pune by SEBI, NSE, and BSE is a significant step towards enhancing investor services and protection in India’s securities market. The facility will provide a comprehensive suite of securities market services to investors in the western region of Maharashtra and serve as a platform for investors to lodge complaints against listed corporate entities and market participants operating in the securities market.


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