‘Seva’ cannot be planned it has to be given voluntarily: Bhaiyyaji Joshi


PUNE: Former Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh General Secretary Bhaiyyaji Joshi remarked on Saturday that Seva or Service cannot be planned and has to be done or offered voluntarily.

Nobody can retire while doing or offering Seva (Service) and nobody can wait for the necessary facilities for giving Seva (Service). The feeling of giving to someone is important while doing Seva. Seva cannot be planned and has to be done voluntarily after one sees the plight and suffering of people with the intention of changing their lives,” Bhaiyyaji Joshi said.

Bhaiyyaji Joshi delivered the key-note address on the topic “Indian Perspective of Seva” during “Seva Tarang” a two-day Maharashtra-level conference of voluntary organizations, organized by Sevavardhini, at Mahatma Phule Sanskrutik Bhawan in Wanowarie.

MLA Sunil Kamble, Honorary President of Sevavardhini Dr. Pramod Chaudhari, Sevavardini executive president Kishor Desai, industrialist Sudhir Mehta, Yogita Apte, Mandar Pophale, Saurabh Dhanorkar of Persistent Foundation, Praj Foundation and Mukul Madhav Foundation respectively and Sevavardhini secretary Somdatta Patwardhan, among others were present on the occasion.

“The outlook of people is important while doing Seva (Service). People should offer service with the feeling that it is their duty and should not do it for the sake of publicity. The satisfaction on people’s faces is very crucial while giving Seva and that should be the only focus. One of the challenges in front of us is how the seekers can become donors,” Bhaiyyaji Joshi said.

Dr. Pramod Chaudhari said Sevavardhini should initiate a four or five-way test for voluntary organizations, which will help the organization to become a national-level brand.

Sevavardhini has guided thousands of voluntary organizations in Maharashtra. There are different phases in the life cycle of an organization and hence the role of Sevavardhini is important, which guides every part including Governance. Sevardhini plays the role of a LightHouse. Sevavardhini is also thinking about how to give accreditation to various organizations and enable them to the social stock exchange. I am optimistic that Sevavardhini’s work will help the country while it is celebrating 75 years of independence,” Dr. Chaudhari said.

Sunil Kamble said Sevardhini is giving direction to society through its work and assured to help the organization.

Sudhir Mehta said the country’s politicians and bureaucrats cannot alone change the country and the role of voluntary organizations, and education institutions is equally important and all of them together can change the country.

In Pune, when COVID-19 started, we had 3,000 beds, which later increased to 28,000. Of these 90 percent of beds were managed by voluntary organizations. All the voluntary organizations also provided meals to the needy. This showed that if all work together, we can show the world what the country can do,” Mehta said.

A Souvenir, comprising the work done by Sevardhini in the last 25 years, was also released on the occasion.

The inaugural session was moderated by Sevavardhini joint secretary Manik Damle.


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