Young Adventurer: How 16-Year-Old Preetham Goli Conquered Mount Kilimanjaro with Satyarup Siddhanta

Mount Kilimanjaro
  • First NCC Cadet to climb the summit and unfurl the flag at the Summit
  • Preetham consecutively did Everest base camp in May and Kilimanjaro in July 2024

HYDERABAD: Preetham Goli, a 16-year-old student of Delhi Public School, has made history as one of the youngest climbers from his city to successfully summit Mount Kilimanjaro. The ambitious young climber reached the summit on July 17th, 2024, after an 8-day expedition that tested his physical endurance and mental resilience.

Preetham, who is currently in the 12th grade, embarked on his journey on July 12th with a group of four climbers, guided by the experienced mountaineer Satyarup Siddhanta. The group faced numerous challenges during the ascent, but Preetham’s determination and perseverance saw him through to the top.

“One of the main reasons I wanted to summit Kilimanjaro was that after finishing Everest Base Camp, I was not satisfied. I wanted to do more, climb more, achieve more,” Preetham shared. “While climbing Kilimanjaro, sometimes I felt lonely, but I learned to enjoy it. Being away from everyone and everything made me realize how simple our life was. Sometimes I felt peace, that I had never felt before.”

The summit day was particularly grueling, starting at 3 AM in freezing conditions. “The summit trail was very hard due to the steep ascent and slippery ground made of fine gravel or sand. Right before reaching the summit, I started having a really bad headache, which I know is common due to the altitude, so I kept pushing on. The feeling when I reached the summit was just magical – all the problems I had while climbing just disappeared.” said Preetham.

At the summit, Preetham proudly unfurled the Indian national flag, the NCC flag, and his school flag, a moment that he describes as one of the best feelings in the world. Although the group had planned to stay at the Crater Camp, bad weather forced them to descend to Barafu Camp the same night.

“I thank my school, Delhi Public School, Nacharam, for all the support, and I especially want to thank Satyarup Siddhanta Sir for helping me summit the mountain. Without him, the summit would have been very hard,” Preetham added.


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