3 Ways To Add Charm And Value To Your Listings 

Real Estate Agent

If you’re just starting your career as a realtor, you will need to take whichever properties come your way. It’s not always easy to market something that has not been properly kept up or maintained. If you and your clients are having a hard time selling a listing, try adding a little more character and curb appeal to the property with these three tips. 

Extra Emphasis On The Yard Or Outdoor Space

When someone buys a house, especially one that is a fixer-upper, most of their time, energy, and resources will be spent making the interior nice. It is rare for someone to think about their front yard when their kitchen is under renovation or when they’re taking a sledgehammer to a wall in order to create a bigger living room. If you list a house that already has a decent or even finished outdoor space, it could not only sell faster but also increase the property value. 

A few easy ways to makeover a yard might be to add a deck onto the back porch, plant shrubbery to create a hedge and therefore privacy, or even sodding it so that you have green grass instead of a patch of dirt. These are fairly inexpensive projects whose aesthetic value could go a long way for you and your clients! 

Declutter, No Open Storage

Your clients might believe they have exquisite taste in interior decoration and that all of their knick-knacks should be displayed for every visit. The unfortunate truth is that no potential buyer wants to go into a home and see someone’s things there. 

You need to give your buyers a blank slate, a white canvas if you will. Upon this, they will be able to visualize themselves and their family living in that space. This is hard to achieve when you have open storage, cluttered shelves, and a general air of disorganization. Declutter your space and you’ll find your home is totally transformed.

Call An Interior Designer To Realize Its Full Potential

If you’re having a hard time selling due to an out-of-date floor plan or because the overall layout is lacking modernity, why not call in an interior designer or architect to create a mock-up of what the place could look like? The interior designer will be able to draw up blueprints for an entirely new home. 

They will change the layout to something more open-plan and possibly even suggest an extension. You will be selling the property’s potential and everything that it could offer and your buyers will be able to see the endless possibilities that come along with purchasing a house that needs a little bit of love and a lot of updating.

Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik


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