Symbiosis Skills And Professional University Signs MoU With MSEDCL

Symbiosis Skills and Professional University signs MoU with MSEDCL
Symbiosis Skills and Professional University signs MoU with MSEDCL

PUNE: Symbiosis Skills and Professional University’s School of Sustainability Studies signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL).

The MoU was signed by Dr. Rajendra Pawar, Chief Engineer at MSEDCL, and Dr. Swati Mujumdar, Pro-Chancellor, Symbiosis Skills University in the presence of Dr. Rajesh Ingle, Vice Chancellor, Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Dr. Santosh Patni, MSEDCL and Dr. Mahesh Wagh, SSPU.

This MOU bridges the gap between Industry and Academia. This MOU enables the students at SSPU to have real-time experience in understanding the safety norms and other aspects of the industry. The MoU opens up other avenues for internship opportunities as well.

Dr. Rajendra Pawar, Chief Engineer, MSEDCL said that MSEDCL has 25 district training centers and 4 regional centers in Maharashtra State. He added that the relationship between Symbiosis Skills and Professional and MSEDCL will mutually benefit both organizations.

Dr. Swati Mujumdar, Pro-Chancellor of Symbiosis Skills and Professional University ( SSPU) said that the MoU is a step ahead in incorporating a practical industry-aligned curriculum into the degree program. The School of Sustainability Studies offers a 4-year B. Tech Program in Smart and Sustainable Energy. This degree program covers all trends of environment and sustainability which are much in demand.

Dr. Swati Mujumdar added that practical exposure and Internships are a great way to bridge the gap between academia and the real world. They offer students a chance to gain practical experience, hone their skills, and explore career paths. Students can learn from experienced professionals while also contributing their unique ideas through mentorship programs and joint initiatives. The sharing of ideas and experiences has the potential to promote innovation and creativity.


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