Diabetes Is Manageable from Home- Here’s How.


Why are tests essential for individuals with diabetes?

Diabetes is a common lifestyle disease among people worldwide. Diabetes is not curable. However, it can be managed with certain lifestyle changes to prevent any health complications.

Diabetes management is crucial for the health of individuals with diabetes. The blood sugar levels should be controlled, which can be detected only from blood sugar tests.  These tests can be done in laboratories and even at home. These tests are done using a glucometer, lancet, or any other laboratory equipment.

What is the blood sugar test? Or What do you mean by the diabetes test?

Various blood tests can help detect blood glucose levels. These are standard fasting blood sugar tests, HbA1C, glucose tolerance tests, and postprandial blood tests.

Among these tests the standard fasting blood sugar test and the HbA1C are done after 8 to 12 hours (overnight) of fasting, the glucose tolerance test is done before and after taking 75 g of glucose, and the postprandial test is done after 2 hours of taking a meal.

In the case of an emergency, random blood sugar tests are also done before or after 2 hours of taking a meal.

Standard Fasting Blood Sugar Test

This test measures our blood glucose level after 8 to 10 hours (overnight) of fasting. Before this test a person should not take any food or drink, only can take water. But the person can take his or her regular medicine. This safe blood sugar test can detect diabetes (sugar level of 126 mg/dL or above), gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), prediabetes (100 to 125 mg/dL sugar level), and normal (sugar level of 99 mg/dL or below).

HbA1C Test

This special type of fasting blood sugar test is done after strict 10 to 12 hours of fasting, by which we will know the average blood sugar level past three months of a person. When sugar enters our body by blood, it is mixed with hemoglobin.

This HbA1c test measures the percentage of sugar combined with hemoglobin. A value below 5.7% is considered normal. Individuals with prediabetes have a value from 5.7% to 6.4%  and individuals with diabetes have a value of 6.4% or above.

Glucose Tolerance Test

This blood sugar test is done before and after consuming glucose. For this test, an individual should undergo an overnight (8 to 10 hours) fasting. First, a fasting blood sugar test is done. Then that individual is asked to consume a drink containing 75 g of glucose. The blood sugar level detection is continued at an interval of 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours. At 2 hours, a blood sugar level of 140 mg/dL or lower is considered normal. Levels between 140 and 199 mg/dL are found in individuals with prediabetes, and 200 mg/dL or above is considered a criterion for diabetes.

Postprandial Test  

This typical blood sugar test is done after 2 to 4 hours of taking a meal. By this test glucose concentration in our bloodstream is measured. The postprandial blood sugar level is measured as follows: below 140 mg/dL is normal, between 140 to 199 mg/dL is found in individuals with prediabetes, and 200 mg/dL or above is considered a criterion for diabetes.

Random Blood Sugar Test

Random blood sugar levels test is done at any time of the day if needed. For this test no need to fast or gap after meals. This test will be done only for people with diabetes and the level should be 200 mg/dL or above.

Glucometer Or Glucose Meter

A glucometer is a portable monitoring gadget and can even be used at home to measure the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood.

For individuals with diabetes, a blood glucose meter is probably the most necessary equipment that helps to measure and show the levels of glucose in your blood. By monitoring any changes in your blood glucose level, a glucometer will assist you in managing your diabetes more effectively.

There are many different kinds of blood glucose meters, ranging from basic devices to more complicated options with a variety of features and settings. Test strips and blood glucose meters are available at a variety of prices, and insurance coverage also varies. Before selecting a model, we recommend you weigh all your possibilities.

How to measure with a glucometer?

A glucometer is very simple to use if you know how. It can be used by following these steps:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with water and dry them. You can even clean it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  2. Take a test strip out of the strip package. Before pricking the finger, place or insert the strip into the glucometer’s built-in slot. This makes adding the blood sample to the strip simple. To use some glucometers, the blood sample must be placed in the strip before being inserted into the slot.
  3. Next, prick your finger using a clean lancet to obtain a tiny drop of blood and add it to the strip so the glucometer can examine it.
  4. Put one or two blood droplets on the spot specified on the strip that was inserted inside the glucometer. Here make sure the skin doesn’t come in contact with the strip.
  5. The blood sugar level will be displayed on the screen of your device. Make sure to note them down before your next visit to your doctor.

Your treatment regimen and type of diabetes can affect how frequently you should get tested. Talk to your doctor to understand how frequently you should check your blood sugar levels with the glucometer. They will recommend a testing schedule that will be the most suitable for you.

Now You Know How to Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that affects your food intake and energy. Glucose is the primary source of energy in the body. Therefore, monitoring blood sugar levels is important for managing diabetes. It can help to control diabetes and lower the long-term risk of diabetes-related issues.

This is when blood sugar measuring devices such as a glucometer always come in handy in determining if the blood glucose level is normal, low, or high. These devices detect your sugar levels in seconds and warn you.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blood-sugar-meter-and-medication-on-the-blue-background-6942015/


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