How Patient Groups are Shaping Arthritis Management with Dr. Chandrasekhara S

Arthritis Management

Mission Arthritis India’ (MAI) organizes National Patients’ Convention

PUNE:  Apart from moral support and information resources, patient support groups will have a larger role to play in the research, advocacy, guidelines, and influencing policy decisions opined Dr Chandrasekhara S, President IRA (Indian Rheumatology Association). He was speaking at the annual ‘National Patient Convention’ organized by Mission Arthritis India (MAI), a voluntary support group for patients of arthritis and rheumatism since 2000. Chief Guest Dr. Chandrasekhara S, President IRA, Guests of Honour Dr. Kiran Seth, Senior Consultant Rheumatologist, Delhi, Dr. Kavita Krishna, HoD Rheumatology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Mrs. Manisha Sanghavi, Director Sancheti Healthcare Academy along with Dr. Arvind Chopra Director and Chief Rheumatologist Center for Rheumatoid Diseases (CRD), Sharayu Bhat, Founder Member & Trustee, MAI, Deepa Mehta, Chairperson, MAI, Shweta Kulkarni, Secretary, Rani Parasnis, Trustee, Mission Arthritis India, & Shivani Barve, Treasurer were present on the occasion. The Annual souvenir was also released on the occasion. 

More than 100 patients and about 15 rheumatologists came together to discuss various aspects and management of rheumatoid arthritis.

Dr Chandrashekhara S, President of IRA (Indian Rheumatology Association) said that the way we see, treat, or manage patients of autoimmune arthritis has changed. The concept itself has changed over the last twenty-five years. We now have choices with more than 40 to 50 drugs. Which one to give, when to give, how much to give, there is a lot of research that goes on. Therefore guidance and recommendations are key. The disease itself is complex and affects different persons differently. Hence apart from moral support and information patient support groups will have a larger role to play. Dr. Chandrashekara pointed out two areas the first being research where advocacy groups, associations, and societies can help create funds for research which can be useful for the medical fraternity and can change the perspectives of treatment and management. Secondly, referring to the Western world, he said that patient groups need to push themselves to be a part of advocacy in terms of creating some guidelines. Patient support groups should also play an active role in presenting various issues like insurance to the Government and other policy-making bodies.

Addressing the patients, he said that arthritis keeps coming but your spirits should not die with it. When we start walking fall is inevitable, we should get up and get walking, and when we look at it from this perspective things change 

Dr. Kiran Seth, Senior Consultant Rheumatologist, Delhi said that every human being has the power to fight the disease but also to create an environment where they can inspire others to fight it. Following prescription, diet, exercise, mental health, and attitude are key for arthritis patients to make life easier. 

Dr. Kavita Krishna HoD Rheumatology said that it is true that arthritis is seen more in women, especially autoimmune arthritis.

It is challenging for women with arthritis. Correct diagnosis, treatment, and control of modifiable factors like weight management, low-impact exercises, diet, medication and can help in pain management.

Mrs Manisha Sanghavi, Chairperson of Sancheti Healthcare Academy said that arthritis can slow us down but the human spirit is far superior.

The highlight of the program was Late Shri. P C Nahar Oration Award was conferred to Dr Vaijyanti Lagu Joshi one of the first female rheumatologists in Pune.

CRD Vat Viruddha Yoddha Award was given to Shalaka Burande from Pune &  Vachasamrita S, Co-Founder of Lupus Trust  India, Kochi was conferred Shri Haribhau Rathiji Vat Viruddha Yoddha Award.

Shweta Kulkarni. Secretary MAI gave the welcome address, Deepa Mehta, Chairperson MAI said this year is an important milestone for us as we celebrate the SILVER JUBILEE year.

Deepa Mehta, Chairperson of Mission Arthritis India said this year is an important milestone for us as we celebrate the SILVER JUBILEE year. The platform is for seeking knowledge from renowned doctors about arthritis. The patient support group for arthritis provides emotional support, a sense of belongingness, understanding others’ similar concerns in a nonjudgemental environment, sharing experiences, and information, and making all understand that they are not alone. This helps in empowering the patients and helps them make informed decisions.

Dr.Arvind Chopra Director and Chief Rheumatologist Center for Rheumatoid Diseases (CRD) said that if we want to create awareness about bone and joints at every level, we need people who can be a bridge between doctors and patients. And that was the reason we started this support group ‘ MAI’. Awareness, Knowledge, and empowerment are the main pillars of MAI.


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