IOCUSA Celebrates Rahul Gandhi’s Staying Of Conviction


UNITED STATES: The Indian Overseas Congress celebrated the staying of the Conviction of Rahul Gandhi by distributing sweets while affirming their support and promising solidarity in standing with him in his struggle against Modi’s misgovernance.

Truth has won out, and BJP’s tactics to silence Rahul Gandhi has indeed failed,” said Mohinder Singh Gilzian, President of the Indian Overseas Congress, USA.

Harbachan Singh, Secretary-General, requested a quick reinstatement of his rightful place in Lok Sabha.

It is a victory for the people of India who love freedom and democracy, and the public begins to realize the true nature of this regime,” said Sharath Chandra, General Secretary of IOCUSA.

After the Surat court convicted Gandhi and handed down a maximum two-year sentence, he appealed to Gujarat High Court, which declined to stay his conviction. Supreme Court stayed the conviction and observed amusement on a number of decisions coming out of that State characterizing them as ‘interesting judgments’.


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