Kelly Bliss Appointed to New York Fed’s Second District Advisory Council

Kelly Bliss
Kelly Bliss

NEW YORK: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today announced the appointment of Kelly Bliss to the New York Fed’s Second District Advisory Council, effective immediately.

The Second District Advisory Council, which is comprised of senior business leaders, generally meets three times a year to provide the New York Fed President and New York Fed leadership with high-level insights about business and economic conditions in the Second District. Members of the Council serve three-year terms. The next meeting of the Council is scheduled for November 6, 2023.

Bliss is the president of U.S. Group Health at Teladoc Health, a telemedicine and virtual healthcare company. Bliss oversees the company’s U.S. group business growth, strategy, and client and commercial operations. Previously, Bliss was the chief client officer at Teladoc Health. Earlier, she held executive roles at various health and health tech organizations, including serving as chief of staff for Best Doctors, a company acquired by Teladoc in 2017. Bliss has a bachelor’s degree in industrial psychology from Nichols College.


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